

Elim Labenie Home Care


At Elim Labenie Home Care Agency, we are dedicated to providing the highest quality home care services to our clients. To assist you in accessing additional information and support related to home care, we have compiled a list of valuable resources:

  1. Elim Labenie Home Care Agency Website
    Visit our official website for detailed information about our services, team, and contact details.
    Website: www.elimlabeniehc.com

  2. Contact Information
    Feel free to reach out to our friendly staff with any questions or inquiries you may have about our services.
    Phone: (860) 940-8516
    Email: info@elimlabeniehc.com

  3. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
    Explore our FAQs section on the website to find answers to common questions about home care services, eligibility, and more.

  4. Home Care Resources

    a. AARP Caregiving Resources
    AARP provides a wealth of information and support for caregivers, including articles, guides, and online communities.
    Website: www.aarp.org/caregiving

    b. National Institute on Aging (NIA)
    NIA offers resources on aging, caregiving, and health-related topics to help you make informed decisions.
    Website: www.nia.nih.gov

    c. Eldercare Locator
    A public service of the U.S. Administration on Aging, Eldercare Locator can help you find local resources for seniors and caregivers.
    Website: www.eldercare.acl.gov

  5. Medicare and Medicaid Information

    a. Official Medicare Website
    Get information about Medicare coverage, benefits, and eligibility on the official Medicare website.
    Website: www.medicare.gov

    b. Medicaid.gov
    Explore resources on Medicaid, including state-specific information and eligibility criteria.
    Website: www.medicaid.gov

  6. Local Senior and Community Resources
    Connect with local organizations, senior centers, and community groups that provide support for seniors and their families.

  7. State Department of Aging or Elder Services
    Contact your state’s department of aging or elder services for information on programs, benefits, and support available in your area.

  8. Home Care Associations

    a. National Association for Home Care & Hospice (NAHC)
    NAHC provides resources and advocacy for home care and hospice agencies across the United States.
    Website: www.nahc.org

    b. State Home Care Associations
    Explore your state’s home care association for local insights and resources specific to your region.

  9. Financial Assistance Information
    Learn about financial assistance programs and options that may be available to help cover the costs of home care services.

  10. Caregiver Support Groups
    Find local caregiver support groups or online communities where you can connect with others facing similar challenges and share experiences.

  11. Legal and Estate Planning Resources
    Explore resources related to legal matters, advance directives, and estate planning for seniors and their families.

  12. Health and Wellness Resources
    Access information on maintaining a healthy lifestyle, managing chronic conditions, and promoting well-being.

  13. Patient Rights and Advocacy
    Learn about patient rights and advocacy organizations that can provide guidance and support.

  14. Emergency Contacts
    In case of emergencies or immediate assistance needs, keep a list of important contacts, including local hospitals, emergency services, and our agency’s 24/7 contact information.

  15. Client Feedback
    Your feedback is essential to us. We encourage you to share your thoughts, comments, and suggestions to help us improve our services.

Please remember that we are here to support you and your loved ones on your home care journey. If you have any specific questions or require assistance with any of these resources, do not hesitate to reach out to us. Our team at Elim Labenie Home Care Agency is committed to providing compassionate and exceptional care for every client we serve.

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